Also online is the game “Change the plot. Be a gender hero”.
Since the end of April, the “Time to Talk” website of the Drama Ladies Union-House of Open Hospitality, as well as the online game “Change the plot. Be a gender hero”., are online.
By typing, the user is directly directed to the site. He/she can find useful information on the emerging forms of online violence, whereas by reading the scientific terminology (e.g. Sexting, doxxing, outing) he/she may realize that he/she might be in danger. At the same time, the user may play the game “Change the plot. Be a gender hero”. This game includes 18 different scenarios where the player randomly selects a role (observer, victim or abuser) and is called to respond to these hypothetical scenarios of gender-based violence incidents. After each response, comes the “Voice of Reason”, with specially designed guidelines for each scenario. In the context of the project, the Helpline for Abused Women and Children +30 25210 58888, operating 8hours a day and having nationwide coverage, continues to receive calls, which are handled by the specially trained project staff.
The “Time to Talk” project started in December 2021 and has a duration of 14 months. It aims at training Drama Ladies Union-House of Open Hospitality on how to approach and advise a gender-based violence abuser. The Norwegian organization “Alternative to Violence” with 30 years experience in counseling the abuser of gender-based violence will train the staff of Drama Ladies Union-House of Open Hospitality, as well as representatives of the Police of Drama and the Social Services of the Prefecture of Drama on how to manage the abuser and combat the causes of abuse. In addition, a university research for emerging forms of online violence will be carried out by the cooperating Universities, i.e. University of Peloponnese, University of West Attica and Democritus University of Thrace, whereas the project’s website will be updated and an online game will be created. Lastly, face-to-face informative workshops will be held with Senior High School, Vocational High School and Professional Training Institute students of the Municipality of Drama regarding the emerging forms of online violence.
“Time to Talk” is implemented in the context of the Active citizens fund program, with Drama Ladies Union-House of Open Hospitality as implementation body. The €13.5 million Active Citizens Fund program is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway and is part of the European Economic Area (EEA) financial mechanism for the period 2014 – 2021, known as EEA Grants. The program aims at fortifying and strengthening the sustainability of civil society and at highlighting its role in promoting democratic processes, strengthening citizens’ participation in society and defending human rights. The management of the grant of the Active Citizens Fund program for Greece has been jointly undertaken by the Bodossaki Foundation and SolidarityNow. For more information: