The Ladies’ Union of Drama-S.A.F. “enters” primary schools as a pilot project
Thursday, May 30

After the two educational trips to Oslo, Norway, the Ladies’ Union takes the next step in the prevention of gender violence.
It starts piloting the educational seminars in the city’s primary schools. The start will be on Monday 3 June 2024 with the 2nd primary school of Drama. The messages that the team of the organisation received from the Norwegians in the framework of the Bilateral Relations were clear and unambiguous: “The education about those matters must begin in primary schools and even from the fourth grade, only in this way there is hope that the cycle of violence will be broken”. This is exactly what the organisation intends to do. That is why it is piloting the implementation of the reconfigured project “TIME TO SPEAK” using for the first time the educational cards “Breaking the Silence” of the Norwegians and Alternative to Violence. The educational seminar will be conducted by the Dean of the Democritus University of Thrace-Department of Social Work, Sevasti Chatzifotiou and from September in cooperation with the Primary Education of Drama the project aims to enter all primary schools in the Prefecture of Drama. In her statements, the President of L.U.D. – H.O.H. Aliki Tsiamoura emphasizes that :
“We are excited about our new endeavor, which will begin in earnest next September. We hope teachers, parents and of course the children will respond. We cannot remain apathetic in the face of gender, domestic and cyber violence. We all need to come together, united and sharing know-how and good practices with the outside world.”
In two and a half years of implementation, the project has reached 1,213 secondary school children and continues its dynamic efforts to prevent and address violence by focusing on younger age groups and the emerging need in society for greater awareness and visibility of the phenomenon of gender-based violence.
The project “TIME TO TALK” was implemented in the framework of the Active citizens fund programme, implemented by the Ladies’ Union of Drama – H.O.H. The Active citizens fund programme, amounting to € 15 million, was funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway and is part of the European Economic Area (EEA) funding mechanism for the period 2014 – 2021, known as EEA Grants. The programme aimed to strengthen and enhance the sustainability of civil society and to highlight its role in promoting democratic processes, enhancing citizens’ participation in the community and defending human rights. The Active citizens fund grant for Greece was jointly managed by the Bodossaki Foundation and Solidarity Now. Read more here: